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In-Year Admissions

The school admits 120 girls in each year representing the full range of ability. There is very little movement in the school population.

The school admits a full range of ability in year 7, based on an assessment undertaken in year 6. Vacancies that arise during the school year will (wherever possible) be offered to girls whose assessment (if they were an applicant for a year 7 place) or SAT result best matches the band in which the vacancy occurs.

Any in-year places will first be offered to applicants naming the school who have a statement of special educational needs issued by or with the support of Camden LA. Then vacancies will be filled in accordance with the criteria 1, 2, 3, 4 below (in that order).

1. “Looked After and Previously Looked After Children”

Looked after children or children who were previously looked after but immediately afterwards became subject to an adoption, child arrangement, or special guardianship order including those who appear [to the admission authority] to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.

2. Siblings

Applicants having a sibling living at the same address who is on the roll of the school at the time of admission.

3. Exceptional medical or social need

Applicants considered by the Governors to have an exceptional medical or social need that Camden School for Girls is specifically able to meet. Applications will only be considered on this basis if the case is made known to the school and supported by appropriate evidence. (This will normally be in the form of a letter from a suitably qualified professional like a doctor, consultant or social worker.) As the school is a secular foundation, the religion of the applicant will not be considered a special need.

4. Distance

Applicants whose permanent home is nearest to the school, measured in a straight line (as the crow flies) from the centre of the pedestrian gate in the perimeter fence on Sandall Road.

Please note:

The Governors of the school can only offer a place to a child when there is a vacancy. Vacancies are extremely rare.

The school is unable to take into account any exceptional circumstances unless there is a vacancy in the relevant year group. All in year applications are held on file and you will be contacted if there is a vacancy for which you are eligible.

If your child is currently educated out of his/her normal age group, you can request that this continues, and your child remains in their current year group.  The school will consider such cases individually by interviewing the child and liaising with their current education provider.

Should you wish to appeal, you can find details of the independent appeals process by clicking here.

Download the In Year Admission Policy

Download the In Year Application Form