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Year 7

Life in Year 7 is very different for students, as it is often a world away from primary school. 

Amongst the new subjects, moving classrooms between lessons, and having different teachers for each subject, students meet lots of new people going through the same thing they are. 

To help them settle into CSG, students are encouraged to get involved in as many events as they possibly can.  There are regular fundraisers, such as Pink Day, Pyjama Day, and Year 7's own fundraising scheme for LEPRA.

There are also a range of extra-curricular clubs that run, every day of the week, from Trampolining to Jewellery, Creative Writing to Theatrical Make Up.  There are many different activities available at CSG that students have never experienced before, and attending them often ignites a passion for something new, as well as helping them to meet like-minded individuals.

It doesn't take long for students to leave behind their concerns about starting a new school, and feel like part of the school community.


On September 5, our new Year 7 students took part in a fantastic team building day in nearby Cantelowes Park. Students had to work on different team building tasks whose aim was to get each individual to work as a cohesive unit to solve problems and thus get to know each other.

Team Building Day Gallery