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14 May 2021

This week’s news summary:

  • Headteacher’s News
  • Parent Governor Election
  • Maths Student of the Week
  • Camden - Local News

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  • Headteacher’s News

    This week: Farewell to Y11 and Y13, Main School Elections

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  • Parent Governor Election

    There is currently ONE vacancy on the school governing body for a parent* governor. The governing body is made up of 18 governors including foundation, staff and parent governors. There are four parent governors in total. There is 1 evening mee
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  • Mental Health – Weekly Tip

    Active Listening When we’re going through a hard time and try to talk to someone about it, it can be very frustrating when we feel that we aren’t being listened to. Sometimes people offer a solution straight away or dismiss the issue l
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  • Maths Student of the Week

    Jubaira 8C - For amazing work inside and outside of lessons – keep up the good work! Well Done!
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  • Camden - Local News

    The situation with coronavirus is changing daily and the Council is committed to keeping residents updated regularly with essential information. Follow the link below for more information
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