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Summer School - August 2021

We held a week-long Summer School to prepare year 7 students for the transition to year 8.

The week consisted of a blend of academic education and enrichment activities, supporting attending pupils in making up for some of their missed education over the pandemic. 

Students said they thoroughly enjoyed the week with most stating that the experience made them feel more confident about returning to school. Pupils that attended enjoyed meeting new teachers and making new friends, as well as getting opportunities to work on a wide variety of activities from drama, maths problem-solving to basketball. They have also created a fantastic mural to commemorate 150 years since the founding of the school and in recognition of this extraordinary period in the school’s history.

‘It was helpful that some of the activities were held in parts of the school our year had not had access to in the previous academic year, because it made me a little more familiar with the school. Cooking/baking the pizza rolls was a lot of fun to do. It was also very nice to have a choice (on Thursday) between what activities we could take part in! The week was a lot of fun! - Maja Y8 

Overall it was a really enjoyable week for all involved and the teachers were all incredibly impressed with how hardworking and engaged all the pupils were!

Well done!

Ms Ronayne
Summer School Coordinator