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After School Hours Activities

There are many enrichment opportunities and events which take place outside normal school hours. Students' parents will be asked for a small donation to cover the cost of providing these activities. Details will be provided later in the admissions process, but the school has offered the following after school hours activities in the past:


Every term we run Master Classes for all students but particularly for those who would be considering Oxbridge or other high demand Russell group universities. After school sessions are offered in subjects that go beyond the confines of the A Level syllabus funding permitting.

The aim of these sessions is to alert our students that they have to work outside the confines of the A Level syllabus if their bid for places at these competitive institutions is to be successful.

Past masterclasses range from;

Curiosity in Science; The Male Nude in Ancient Greek Art; Ezra Pound – Art, Poetry, Politics & Modernism; Willa Cather’s My Antonia & American Literature 1880-1940; Tintin’s Adventures in 20th Century History & Politics; The Use & Abuse of Language – Politics, Propaganda & ‘Newspeak’; Mind, Body & Soul in the Novels of Charlotte Bronte; Gods & Justice in Homer’s Odyssey; Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night; Life in Politics; PostCapitalism. 

Social Events

Throughout the two years, a number of social events are organised in order to promote a friendly and cohesive sixth form. 

Spring Revision

In order to also support students in their academic studies, we offer spring revision sessions, which comprise of two hour targeted revision sessions across a range of academic subjects.

Year 13 Spring Revision 2023