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In Year/Continuing Interest List FAQs

How ‘long’ is the waiting list?
What position is my daughter on the list?
How long will I have to wait for a place?
How are the places allocated?
What is covered by the social/medical criteria?
We live closer to the school than another student but she has been given a place. Why?
How do you match the band of the girl leaving if someone on the list didn’t sit the banding test?
I wish to appeal. What should I do?


How ‘long’ is the waiting list?

The length of the continuing interest list depends on the year group. Please be advised that there is very little movement in the school population. A vacancy only arises if a current student leaves.

What position is my daughter on the list?

Any in-year places will be offered in accordance with our admissions criteria. Please refer to our in-year admissions policy for more information on the criteria. When a vacancy arises, the place is allocated in accordance with the criteria.

How long will I have to wait for a place?

There is very little movement in the school population usually. You may never be contacted with an offer of a place. The governors of the school are unable to take into account any exceptional circumstances unless there is a vacancy in the relevant year group. All in year applications are held on file and you will be contacted if there is a vacancy for which you are eligible.

How are the places allocated?

Places are allocated in accordance with our admissions criteria. Please refer to our in-year admissions policy for more information.

What is covered by the social/medical criteria?

Applicants considered by the Governors to have an exceptional medical or social need that Camden School for Girls is specifically able to meet. Please refer to our admissions policies for more information.

We live closer to the school than another student but she has been given a place. Why?

It is likely that she was offered a place under a different admissions criterion (not distance).

How do you match the band of the girl leaving if someone on the list didn’t sit the banding test?

The school admits a full range of ability in year 7, based on an assessment undertaken in year 6. Vacancies that arise during the school year will (wherever possible) be offered to girls whose assessment (if they were an applicant for a year 7 place), SAT result, or current school report best matches the band in which the vacancy occurs.

I wish to appeal. What should I do?

Regardless of your circumstance, the Governors of the school can only offer a place to a child when there is a vacancy. Vacancies are extremely rare.

Should you wish to appeal, you can find details of the independent appeals process on the school’s website.