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Year 7 visit to Bhaktivedanta ManorThe Theology & Philosophy Department at Camden School for Girls has a high profile within the school. 

At key stage three pupils have one lesson per week.  They follow a scheme of work which allows them to learn about religions and from religions, challenging their own beliefs.  We also invite them to consider a wide range of moral issues.  Pupils study Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism.  They also study religious art, the Holocaust, science and religion and are introduced to feminist theology, asking 'is religion good for women?'

Curriculum Information

Students consider the role of religion and philosophy in guiding lifestyle choices and action, looking at figures such as Aung San Suu Kyi and Gandhi.  Each term there are formal assessments using the national levels of achievement throughout Key Stage Three. These inform our teaching to ensure all students progress.

The course is comprised of topics that enable students to explore ethical and moral issues that concern people of all or no faith background: for example, the ethical and moral nature of relationships, or the responsibility of individuals as citizens in society. Although teaching is focused on Christianity and Islam, students are free to answer from alternative faith, humanistic or atheist perspectives. All students are encouraged to develop their own personal views, and to be able to reach reasoned conclusions on controversial issues.

The department seeks to offer students out-of-the-classroom learning experiences wherever possible.  Year 7 have the opportunity to visit The London Buddhist Centre. In years 8 and 9 we endeavour to offer cross-curricular experiences, and in senior years we invite outside speakers to come to talk to students about areas of expertise and experience relevant to their studies. We take some students to relevant conferences and to university open days.